Hi I am Chi (said like Chai tea). I am full of energy and an enthusiasm for life! I graduated with a BA Honours in psychology, drama, and education. While at Rhodes University I qualified as a BASI (Body Arts and Science International) Pilates and Gyrokinesis Instructor. My love to further my education has given me experience in teaching and learning in Dubai, the USA, Italy, France, Spain, and here in South Africa. My passion for movement is applied to all my different clientele’s needs. I have pursued my education in redoing my Comprehensive Pilates course numerous times, doing the Mentor Program with both Rael Isscowitz and Theo van der Riet, and participating in “Learn for the Leaders” in America and South Africa. As well as several other different certifications among top international Pilates lectures. I have represented South Africa twice for Ironman 70.3 World Championship, and have since turned my passion to the trails where I have podiumed in "The Africa Otter Trail Challenge", and more recently "Expedition Africa 120 Drakensberg Adventure Race" and "War Trail". As an enthusiastic and competitive athlete, I further educated myself through Ironman University to do Online Sports Coaching to share my desire for you to be your healthiest version. It is my knowledge of the inter-relationship of body and mind that allows me to incorporate the ideal exercises to enhance your physical capabilities. Welcome… let’s move!
